Michelle Maguire McDaniel
4 min readNov 13, 2020


My Thoughts on Pastor as Public Theologian


Vanhoozer presented a powerful treatise on the need for pastors to function in a role that is theologically sound, community and culturally minded, all amid edifying the Body of Christ. Vanhoozer stresses the need for theological application in the life of the pastor, congregants, and the community. One hallmark of Vanhoozer’s text is the idea that it is just as important for the Pastor-Theologian to ‘feed themselves’ as it is to ‘feed the flock’.

Reaction to Central Argument

The central argument of Vanhoozer’s text is that “Too many pastors have exchanged their vocational birthright for a bowl of lentil stew (Gen. 25:29–34, Heb. 12:16): management skills, strategic plans, “leadership” courses, therapeutic techniques and so forth.”1 I agree with Vanhoozer that we need Pastor-Theologians whose hearts burn with passion for the Word of God. We need Pastor-Theologians who are overflowing with explanation as to how God’s Word applies not only to their own lives, but to the lives of members and their communities.

Key Insights

“To be set apart in biblical terms…is actually a call to be plunged into the work of saving others.”1 As the Body of Christ, as Pastor-Theologians of God, we are called to be different, a “peculiar people.” Our obedience to the law creates a community that does not just worship the Lord but is transformed by the process of worship.1

We are steeped in a culture that dances around the truth, or outright lies, with no thought to consequences. Vanhoozer brings to light an especially important concept, we as Pastor-Theologians are ‘truth bearers’ bringing “The ministry of truth-telling…”1 to the people, and to ourselves.

“The pastor who leads well owes less to “best practices” or strategic vision and more to biblical theology and the way of the cross.”1 We can pastor a church with hundreds or even thousands of people, but if it is all about numbers, money, the next gimmick, the next “best practice” then we have nothing. Learning ministry techniques to present theological based sermons and leadership is one thing but placing all the focus on leadership skills and management is another. “The core of pastoral leadership is the reality that Jesus has, by his personal holocaust, inaugurated the kingdom of God on earth…”1 and without that message “The church will not understand the nature of the cross, and the world will no comprehend the glory and beauty of the gospel.”1

Pastor as Public Theologian: My Definition

A Pastor-Theologian is first, and foremost, a born again, blood washed Child of God. If the pastor-theologian does not have a personal relationship with the Lord, then he or she does not have a biblical mandate from the Holy Spirit to pastor a flock. “According to Hebrews 5:11–6:3, preachers have the divine charge of giving their people “meat” and not “milk. There is no clearer call in Scripture for pastors to embrace a theological pastorate and an expository preaching than this.”1 It is our responsibility as pastor-theologians to help our flock understand the Word of God, how Scripture applies to the daily lives and how culture should and should not affect that application. As pastor-theologians we should set the example for others of Scriptural intake, prayer, Bible Study in fellowship, and Communion.

Biblical, Theological & Historical Support

“To paraphrase our Lord: the real work of pastor-theologians is to be farmers of men and women (cf. Matt. 4:19), cultivating the image of God in each and every person, to build persons up into mature adulthood (Eph. 5:8).”1 In Colossians 3:17 it says, “And whatever you do, in word and deed, do everything in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through him.”1

While this mandate is for all believers, it is imperative to the pastor-theologian’s ministry and personal faith relationship with God. As pastor-theologians were play a small role in the reconciling work of God through Christ Jesus, with the leading of the Holy Spirit.1 “To minister understanding is to help people make connections; between the parts of the Bible and the overarching story; between the Bible and the world in which they live; between who they are and who God calls them to be.”1

Augustine understood the need to be a pastor-theologian and urged his people not to attend the Roman theater, and other public spectacles over concern that the events were rooted in paganism.1 It was, and is, critical for pastor-theologians to teach the people how God’s Word impacts every part of life. According to Carl F. H. Henry, “No fact of contemporary Western life is more evident than its growing distrust of final truth and its implacable questioning of any sure word.”1 God is still Truth, who dwelt among us — Jesus — who sent the Spirit of Truth to reside in our hearts.

Ramifications: My Ministry Context

An important part of my service as the Associate Minister of Missions is to provide spiritual support and encouragement to the Lead Minister of our church, who also happens to be a family member. As I reflected upon all that I read in Pastor as Public Theologian, my thoughts went to how I can share all that I have learned and how it might benefit him as well. Pastor Jerry meets himself coming and going and has physically suffered because of the demands of ministry within our congregation. Pastor Jerry’s phone will ring from 15–30 times, before 12 noon, with people needing help with something that is broken (cars, roofs, stove, etc.), counseling, and a myriad of other needs. Many times, he has discussed being torn between outreach, meeting the needs of the people and Bible study/prayer time. It is my hope (and prayer) that as I seek to share what I have learned with Pastor Jerry that God can use me in a similar fashion to the way he used Jethro, Moses father-in-law in Exodus 18:13–27.


1. Vanhoozer and Strachan. 2015. The Pastor as Public Theologian: Reclaiming a Lost Vision. p 1, 42, 43, 44, 54, 57, 58, 104, 108, 110, 112, 116.

